Faces and Skintones
Saturday 27 January 2024, 10am - 4pm
Common Ground Games, Stirling
Faces and skin are such an important part of many models and miniatures but getting them to look good can be very tricky. If you want to improve the skin and faces on your models, this workshop is for you.
In this 1-day Painting Faces and Skintones class we will cover:
- Colour/palette selection and usage.
- Painting volumes and values.
- Painting eyes and hair.
- Working from references.
The class will run from 10.00 – 16.00 and includes both group demonstrations and 1-to-1 tuition. Lunch will also be provided so please inform of any dietary requirements in advance.
What you will need to bring:
- Some paints and brushes you’re comfortable with.
- A water pot.
- A desk/task lamp. Daylight (6,000 – 6,500 K) works best.
- Something to hold a miniature with.
- A notepad and pen.
- Some spare heads to practice on (Space Marine and Stormcast Eternals are ideal)
Feel free to bring a miniature you would like to work on, but a Citadel Darkoath Savager and a palette will be provided on the day.
If you are unsure of what paints and tools to bring on the day, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and I can give you some direction.
Please note that refunds on tickets cannot be issued within 28 days of the date of the class.
Email theforge@ashenholdart.co.uk for booking and inquiries.